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The Ruhr cities are from west to east , , , , , , , , , , and the rural districts of , , and. This Saturday some geocachers from the Ruhr District are for a visit in Paris. In addition to the , in April 1945, the trapped several hundred thousand troops in the. Thus the Ruhr is described as a polycentric urban area, which shares a similar history of urban and economic development.
By around 1820, hundreds of water-powered mills were producing textiles, lumber, shingles and iron in automated processes here. We would like take the opportunity to meet other geocachers and to talk about our shared hobby. We would like take the opportunity to meet other geocachers and to talk about our shared hobby.
GC79AWY Ruhrpott - Hitler could now continue eroding the alliance system that France had built since 1919. Stay up to date with the Thunderbike newsletter.
An diesem Samstag sind ein paar Geocacher aus dem Ruhrpott zu Besuch in Paris. Wir möchten uns diese schöne Stadt ansehen und ein paar Caches besuchen. In der Zeit von 13. Diese Gelegenheit soll genutzt werden um andere Cacher kennen zu lernen. Vielleicht bekommen wir auch Tips was man sich unbedingt anschauen muss. Wir freuen uns schon auf diese Reise. Bis bald… Ce samedi quelques géocacheurs de la région de la Ruhr sont à ruhrpott events à Paris. Nous voulons visiter cette belle ville et trouver quelques caches. Peut-être que vous pourriez donner des tuyaux quelles attractions touristques il nous faut ruhrpott events pendant le weekend. Nous attendons avec impatience ce voyage. This Saturday some geocachers from the Ruhr District are for a visit in Paris. We would like to enjoy this interesting town and to find some geocaches. There will be a small event from 13. We would like take the opportunity to meet other geocachers and to talk about our shared hobby. We look forward to our journey.
RUHRPOTT-Jam 2011 +++ first official Cut
Furthermore, the universities are not the only places in the Ruhr region where academic qualifications can be obtained. With more than 50 museums, Ruhr has one of the largest variety of museums in Europe. We refuse to disclose your data to third parties. Additional expressways serve as bypasses and local routes, especially around Dortmund and Bochum. Thus the Ruhr is described as a polycentric urban area, which shares a similar history of urban and economic development. In the Middle Ages the was an important trade route from the region of the lower to the mountains of the. If you wanted to look at complete terrain from above, you could take the glass elevator to the 70 meter high blast furnace. Large parts of the working class went out on strike, but in the Ruhr, striking workers successfully managed to take government buildings, shocking the rest of Germany.